Mac Mail Signature

Create your own beautiful HTML email signature for Mac Mail using our pre-designed email signature templates and software. No HTML knowledge needed.

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Email Clients

Install in Mac Mail, Gmail, Outlook, Thunderbird, Postbox, Sparrow, iPad and iPhone + more.

Simple & Easy

As easy as filling in a form. Upload your own logo and choose from over 50+ social icons in 20 colors.

Signature Support

Need help installing your signature into Mac Mail? We have written guides, videos and slides to help.

Mobile Friendly

We design all signatures with mobile in mind. Our Mac Mail signatures look great on iPhones & iPads too.

Super easy to customize

Using our HTML signature templates and software, creating a new HTML signature for Mac Mail could not be easier!

Choose your email signature template from our range, customize your template using our easy software and tools, then download and install it in unlimited email programs, not just Mac Mail, like Outlook, Gmail, even on your iPad and iPhone and many more, following our website's easy instructions.


Beautiful on every device

We design our Mac Mail signatures with every device in mind.

We test our Mac Mail signatures extensively to ensure that they look great on a wide variety of email clients and apps, including all the major email clients like Outlook, Gmail, Thunderbird, iPhone and iPad, and many of the minor email clients and apps too. Learn more.

Over 2000 Customers rely on us to create and host their HTML signatures

"Out of a whole plethora of services "promising" to offer a total solution, this by far goes all the way. The phrase under promise and over deliver describes perfectly these guys... I use a Mac and my colleague Windows 8, we use iOS across the board and it has the best performance of any so far. In fact as soon as i can i want to be able to resell the solution to my owns customers. You absolutely have to try it. Completely customisable and an elegant solution."

- Lewis Daniels, Strategy Hand